PDFMeticulous quality control

Quality Control

Translation in turmoil

The language services sector has seen rapid growth over the last 20 years or so, and the client-supplier relationship has been radically altered. What might be called “word mills” have appeared, purporting to translate every kind of document, regardless of specialty, against impossibly short deadlines and at such low rates that one has to wonder where product quality fits into the picture.

In order to stay competitive, some providers of language services will blithely skip the details, and neglect vital stages in the quality control process: editing, revision and proofreading. Even worse, there is now a trend of using software to automate the translation process, and then assigning the resulting output to a human reviser. Our people’s reaction has been to swim against the tide, and put a clear emphasis on quality work.

Quality, quality, quality

At INVISIBLE Translation, we realize that our clients’ professional reputation—and hence our own—depends on the quality of the work we deliver. That is why we place human resources—experienced and highly skilled language professionals—at your disposal. The professionalism of our translators, editors, revisers, proofreaders and writers is the cornerstone of our quality control process.

We have established a rigorous quality-control process in order to make sure that the written, translated, revised and corrected material we deliver to our clients meets the highest quality standards.

The quality-control process at INVISIBLE Translation

Every translation, advertising adaptation, editing, revision, proofreading or writing assignment we undertake is executed by a language professional who has a university degree directly related to the purpose. The great majority of our translators belong to the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) or another group of professional translators recognized by the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC). A number of our editors, revisers and writers are members of Editors Canada (EC) or the Société québécoise de la rédaction professionnelle (SQRP).

Every completed text or translation is then edited by another of our experts. It is the responsibility of our editors, revisers and proofreaders to scrutinize and refine their colleagues’ work so as to improve its quality even further. At least two members of our team are thus involved in every translation or writing assignment: a translator or writer, as the case may be, and a reviser or editor.

At INVISIBLE Translation, our concern for quality is not negotiable.

Recommended reading:



Calgary: 403-775-1599
Edmonton: 780-851-1538
Montreal: 514-447-3382
Ottawa: 613-366-2010
Quebec City: 418-478-1859
Sherbrooke: 819-200-3113
Toronto: 647-367-2246
Vancouver: 604-262-8769
Winnipeg: 204-480-0065

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Chicago: 312-584-0090
Los Angeles: 310-807-5448
New York: 718-691-3437
Washington: 202-742-3555

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